Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shawn's Trip to the Market

There is a big indoor/outdoor market in our city.  Here are some of Shawn's pictures from today's shopping trip to the market...

This is the Candy Stand lady.

These are called rocket candies.

These are berries and cranberries; those look like magoes and bananas.

These are some spicy spicy spices.

This is a fire hose in case of huge fires.  You pull on the handle, take off the lid and spread water on the flame until it's out.

Other spicy spicy spices.

This is some very big cheese; the biggest cheese you have ever seen!

This is a stack of hay.

This means Organic.

This is a big blog kind of squash.

This is a game where you have to figure out what this picture is.  Please send me your ideas.

This is called salty cheese.

This is dead squid.

This is a real crab.  This one has its eye poked out.

These are dead fish.

This is called shrimp.

This is a real alive lobster.  One of its parts is alive.

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