Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Exercise, European Style

During today's Skype with Shawn's class, there was a question about Shawn's backyard (made of concrete).  Countries in Europe are much more crowded than Canada, and there is not a lot of greenspace because all the space is needed for houses and businesses and schools. 

Many houses have no grass.  Neighbourhoods have tiny sidewalks with no grass separating them from the road, and schools that we have seen have only concrete playgrounds.

So how does Shawn get his exercise? 

In Scotland, Shawn...

explored cobblestone squares at Edinborough Castle,

mucked about in a National Park,

trekked the Lowlands,

climbed the Highlands,

built castles, rain or shine,

put out imaginary fires,

scoured for small sea creatures,

went in search of the elusive Hairy Coo,

played Knights and Princesses,

explored a family heritage site at Loch Buie,

and much more.
In England, Shawn...

danced with four Fab guys,

walked along the Mersey,

visited friends,

climbed into a yellow submarine,

chased a conductor,

chased his sister (there was greenspace here),
 and so much more!
When Shawn is visiting another city, there is always...
wind to battle,
a handful of stones to throw,

a trip to the village square to buy a baguette,

a cave to tour,

an aquaduct to traverse (look for this place on the play money we sent to the class),
and there are always, always stairs to climb!

Stay tuned for another blog posting to find out what Shawn does for exercise on a daily basis in our city in France.


  1. Hi Shawn, Such beautiful photos of you and your family. I love the ones at the beaches. We are wondering why we do not see any other people at the beach? Mrs. Pizzuto

    1. Mrs. Pizzuto, I want you to know that there were a few people at the beaches. It's cold at these beaches, you know.

      It is very, very fun in our park. There's lots of greenspace for running, playing, and even a pole that I learned how to slide down. We have lots of time for playing.
