Friday, November 29, 2013

Nella Vecchia Fattoria

While in Italy, Shawn fell in love with the Italian language.  Here is a link to a video of his new favourite song, sung by Quartetto Cetra.

What song is this??

Can you figure out what all the animals are called?

Do you like listening to music in another language?

Click here to see the video.

Were we ever surprised when we saw the singers themselves!  Click here to see them.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Vive la Tour!

On the morning of the very first snowfall here in Dijon, Shawn and Annabeth donned their suits to have some good old Canadian fun in our landlady's yard.

But you'll never guess what they decided to build...

After the initial flag-raising ceremony, it was determined that modifications were necessary.  Corners were squared and an elevator was added, just like the one Shawn rode in real life.


Have you figured it out yet? 
It's the Eiffel Tower!

Learning With Legos

Much of what Shawn has seen and done here in France (and in the other countries we've visited) is reflected in what he builds with his Legos.

One day, I presented him with a Lego building challenge: I cut out different shapes and sizes of cardboard, and called them "countries."  I told Shawn that in each different country he needed to house six people.

He learned a lot about countries and houses and neighbourhoods during this activity.  Click here to see the final video in the series.

We packed up the "countries" and mailed them to Shawn's kindergarten class back in Canada.  I wonder what they will do with them...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Exercise, European Style -- Specifically in France

In our city, Dijon, in France, there are no mountains and the beach is already closed for the season.  We don't have a back yard and Shawn is schooled at home.  So, how does Shawn get his exercise on a daily basis?

Here's a clue: Shawn's family does not have a car here in Dijon. 

What would your life be like if you didn't have a car?  How would you get to school?  How would your parents go grocery shopping?  How would they buy clothes and toys and presents for your birthday?  How would you get your exercise?

We would love to hear your ideas about this.  Please feel free to comment.

Stay tuned for photos of some of Shawn's favourite places to get exercise in our city...

...Here are some of Shawn's favourite ways to get exercise in Dijon:


So many big places to explore!

We usually have to run to catch the tram!

There were 17 benches to climb between the park entrance and the playground.

And of course, Shawn loved his trotinette...

Exercise, European Style

During today's Skype with Shawn's class, there was a question about Shawn's backyard (made of concrete).  Countries in Europe are much more crowded than Canada, and there is not a lot of greenspace because all the space is needed for houses and businesses and schools. 

Many houses have no grass.  Neighbourhoods have tiny sidewalks with no grass separating them from the road, and schools that we have seen have only concrete playgrounds.

So how does Shawn get his exercise? 

In Scotland, Shawn...

explored cobblestone squares at Edinborough Castle,

mucked about in a National Park,

trekked the Lowlands,

climbed the Highlands,

built castles, rain or shine,

put out imaginary fires,

scoured for small sea creatures,

went in search of the elusive Hairy Coo,

played Knights and Princesses,

explored a family heritage site at Loch Buie,

and much more.
In England, Shawn...

danced with four Fab guys,

walked along the Mersey,

visited friends,

climbed into a yellow submarine,

chased a conductor,

chased his sister (there was greenspace here),
 and so much more!
When Shawn is visiting another city, there is always...
wind to battle,
a handful of stones to throw,

a trip to the village square to buy a baguette,

a cave to tour,

an aquaduct to traverse (look for this place on the play money we sent to the class),
and there are always, always stairs to climb!

Stay tuned for another blog posting to find out what Shawn does for exercise on a daily basis in our city in France.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A L'Intermarche!


Shawn has tried some wonderful new foods here in France, like different cheeses, homemade breads from the boulangerie, and breaded fish (different from fish sticks). 

It takes us half an hour to get to the Intermarche (the small grocery story) to do our shopping.  We have to load up with re-useable bags and snacks, walk to the busstop, ride the bus for six stops, then cross the street to the grocery store. 

Here in our city, there is a security officer in every grocery store.  We know one who speaks English to Shawn.  :-)

We took some pictures of our latest journey.

We are all decked out for a rainy-day journey.

With a stop on the way home for a ride on the new carrousel.

But the best part is trying new snacks and cereals, and deciding which ones we like or don't like. 

Bon Appetit!