Sunday, January 26, 2014

At the Supermarket in Scotland

Before Shawn arrived in France, he visited Scotland and England.

In Scotland we had to go grocery shopping.  We found a supermarket called Tesco.  We had never heard of Tesco before and we didn't know what kind of food would be inside.

Shawn took pictures of many colourful and new things while we shopped.  Some of them we bought and ate. 

While you are looking at Shawn's photos, try to think if you have ever seen or tasted these items before.  Do you like to try new foods?  Would you try new foods if you were in a supermarket in another country?

Also, the money in Scotland is different than it is in Canada.  You can look for some clues in these photos.

Finally, at the very end you'll see a funny video of Shawn battling the Travelator in the Tesco store.  Enjoy!

It is hard to tell from the photo, but these hot dogs
are packaged in a jar.

We just had to buy these!

And now, CLICK HERE for Shawn's battle with the Travelator.